September 2010 Seaside Devotions Archive

September 30, 2010

As I walk the seaside with Jesus today, it is amusing to watch the sand pipers play along the edge of the water trying to stay ahead of the waves.

It brought me to a time in my own life when I tried to stay ahead of the waves of a busy schedule. It was when I was in the corporate world, with a schedule so packed that only a superbeing could stay ahead of. No time to think, to rest, to meditate on what my Father was saying to me, only time to labor and focus on the demands of the job! What a rat race it was.

Today I see so many of God's children on treadmills of life, scurrying to stay ahead of the waves of life, and never coming to a place of rest or quiet. We spend our lives doing and acquiring the things of this world, and yet the return is very empty.

This is not God's plan for His precious children. He says to come unto Him and He will give you rest. Surely He knew we would need to hear those words.

Today as you walk your seashore of life, re-examine your own schedule. Are you leaving out time for Him? Are you scurrying about, accomplishing tasks that in the end will be meaningless? Speak to your Heavenly Father, and let Him order your steps daily. He will make your time more meaningful, and more productive in this thing called life.

Matthew 11:28 -- "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

Blessings and peace,

September 29, 2010

As I walk the seaside with Jesus today, my heart is overjoyed to be free and joyful -- to breathe and experience the freedom of life.

My thoughts go to Paul, even though he was under great persecution, he was free in his spirit because he knew the Lord God. Due to the great persecution of believers in Rome by Emperor Nero, the apostle Paul was brought to trial. And he stood alone at his first hearing because it was too dangerous for his most trusted friends to appear with him.

Yet God never left him -- and His presence gave Paul hope that a new season was coming! And the new season is now upon us. Look at the change all around us! He is moving us forward on His time table!

As you move into new seasons of life, you too will encounter situations that you must face alone. Though loved ones will want to assist you, they will not be able to. However, you have one sure helper that stands with you through all seasons and challenges life here on earth may bring you.

As you walk your seashore of life today, know the Lord is with you. Rest easy tonight knowing that His strength is more than sufficient to get you through any season or situation -- to a place where you can be free and joyful once again -- to enjoy life as He intended.

2 Timothy 4:16-17 -- "At my first defense, no one came to my assistance...but the Lord stood with me and strengthened me."

Blessings and peace,

September 28, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a mother sandpiper give food to her tiny little bird. It made me think of how Jesus taught us "it is better to give than to receive."

Many people nowadays are blatantly and unashamedly living for themselves. Society teaches us to look out for number one. "What's in it for me?" We readily acknowledge this as the "me" generation, and that same narcissism sometimes spills over into our relationship with God, our families, and one another. Ironically, this selfish attitude condemns us to living shallow, unrewarding lives. No matter how much we acquire for ourselves, we are never satisfied.

God is a giver, and if you want to experience a new level of God's joy, if you want Him to pour out His blessing and favor in your life, then you must learn to be a giver and not a taker.

As you walk your seashore of life today, wherever you are, find someone you can be a blessing to just as your Father has taught you. Remember, you are blessed to be a blessing.

Acts 20:35 -- "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"

Blessings and peace,

September 27, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a dolphin jump high out of the water and do a flip before plunging back into the ocean!

I thought of how God says, "Great things than these will you do!" So my thoughts are that He has prepared us for such a time as this, in this great harvest time, to do greater things than He did. Think about it. It is already happening in this time we live in. We have the internet to reach millions of souls at a time. Wireless phones to talk to anyone, anywhere in the country with any need, at any moment. Jets to travel to any country He assigns us to visit! It is amazing that we have access to so many avenues of communication to share the Good News of the Kingdom. and yet so many of us will not even walk across the street to share with our neighbor, when we have been commanded to go into all the world!

Saints, let's not be negligent of our commission to spread the Word to those around us, as He assigns us! As you walk your seashore of life today, take a look at who is around you and see the great need for His Words of life! Take up your commission and be an ambassador of the Kingdom as you have been assigned -- let's make a difference today, wherever we are!

Matthew 28: 19 -- "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age!"

Blessings and peace,

September 26, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I picked up a broken reed that had washed upon the beach. It was shredded and broken by the lashing of the waves, but I am sure it was once beautiful.

That is sometimes how we feel -- broken and torn to pieces by the waves of life that come against us. And sometimes we even have to be broken, pruned by our Heavenly Father, to grow into the beautiful creatures He has destined for each of us to become.

I once watched my gardener prune a lovely myrtle tree in my yard until it looked like it had been scalped. I was furious because all of a sudden, my beautiful myrtle tree became an ugly sight to look at every day as I drove into my driveway. But this summer that same tree has been more beautiful than it has ever been... fuller, with more incredible flowers ever! The pruning was the path to become more beautiful. And that is what our Heavenly Father has to do with us to bring us into the fullness of the spiritual beauty He has for us.

As you walk your seashore of life today, think of the pain of the pruning in your own life, and see how much more beautiful you have become through that pain. Know that our Father really does know when and how to shape us into the spiritual beings He planned from the beginning -- know today that you are beautiful!

John 15:1 -- "My Father is the gardener."

Blessings and peace,

September 25, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, a storm was brewing on the horizon and I had to hurry to safety to escape.

I thought about storms in our lives. Have you ever seen people who through some disaster were driven to great times of prayer? And have you noticed that once the disaster was long forgotten, s spiritual sweetness remained that warmed their souls?

It reminds me of a severe storm I once saw in late spring -- one in which darkness covered the sky, except where the light violently split the clouds with its thundering power. The wind blew and the rain fell, as though heaven had opened it windows.

What devastation there was! The storm uprooted even the strongest of oaks, and not one spider web escaped the wind, despite being hidden from view. But soon, after the lightning was gone, the thunder ceased and was silent, and the rain was over; a western wind arose with a sweet and gentle break, chasing the dark clouds away. I saw the retreating storm throw a scarf of rainbows over her fair shoulders and her glowing neck. She looked at me, smiled, and then passed from my sight.

Afterwards, the grass was greener, the streams were filled and the trees, because of their lush foliage, cast a more restful shade. Isn't that how we are in our lives after the storms, greener, richer, stronger and more restful -- because of the storms we have survived! Be thankful today for the storms in our lives and know you will come out better on the other side!

1 Corinthians 1:5 -- "In Him you have been enriched in every way!"

Blessings and peace,

September 24, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the ocean was calm and smooth as glass. It reminded me of the peace of God and I felt that peace in my heart. It is the same peace He has promised us no matter what trials we endure.

I was reminded again of the two painters who were once asked to paint a picture illustrating their own idea of rest. The first chose for his scene a quiet, lonely lake, nestled among mountains far away. The second, using swift, broad strokes on his canvas, painted a thundering waterfall. Beneath the falls grew a fragile birch tree, bending over the foam. On its branches, nearly wet with the spray from the falls, sat a robin on its next.

The first painting was simply a picture of stagnation and inactivity. The second, however, depicted rest.

Remember, as you walk your seashore of life, that peace is not some holy feeling that comes upon us when we are sitting in church. It is a state of calm rising from a heart deeply and firmly established in God. He is our peace that is everlasting, ever residing in our spirits!

John 14:27 -- "My peace I give you."

Blessings and peace,

September 23, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I saw so many beautiful things that our Father has given us daily to enjoy... the clouds, the waves, the birds, the dolphins... just the fresh air to breath as I walk.

How can anyone ever be depressed when we see so many wonderful things to enjoy daily? Today I read in the Streams in the Wilderness, that "If we see God in everything, He will calm and color everything we see." Perhaps the circumstances causing our sorrows will not be removed and our situation may remain the same, but if Christ is brought into our grief and gloom as our Lord and Master, He will "surround us with songs of deliverance" ...Psalm 32:7

Isn't that a wonderful thought for the day... that no matter what our circumstances we can rejoice? We are all so blessed to know Him as our Lord and Savior... the author and finisher of our faith. And He controls all that is about us!

Today as you walk your seashore of life, know He is in charge of your life -- and you can truly trust Him! So look around you and see the good things He has surrounded you with -- and rejoice and give Him praise! I guarantee your thought life will begin to change as you praise Him!!!

1 Samuel 3:18 -- "He is the Lord; let Him do what is good in His eyes."

Blessings and peace,

September 22, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I marveled at the beauty of the ocean, the waves, the creatures, the sky... how could you not see that we have an awesome Creator? His artwork is everywhere.

Why does the psalmist tell the creation to praise God? Do the heavens have a voice? Can the sun and moon declare God's glory? In a sense, the answer is yes.

Consider the question this way: When you go to a gallery, do you commend the artwork or the painter? When you eat a delicious meal, do you extol the food or the expertise of the chef? Is it the overture or the composer that inspires your awe?

Psalm 148:4 -- "Praise Him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord! For He commanded and they were created!"

Blessings and peace,

September 21, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, there seemed to be no end to the ocean as I looked across the horizon of waves. But I knew there is an ending just as there is a beginning.

The promise that God makes a thing beautiful in His time necessarily indicates that there are unpleasant moments. Beginnings are generally tinged with some adventurous excitement and discovery, and yet they are also full of unknowns and uncomfortable adjustments.

During the middle times, mundane toil can overwhelm and dishearten. However, if the focus is God, wonderful, sustaining graces -- such as patience and endurance -- develop. He never allows anything to come into our lives that will not draw us closer to our destiny. He wastes nothing that happens to us! And He never loses control of our lives... after all, He is the God of the universe.

It is in the end -- in the bittersweet of looking back -- that you can see the true beauty of the journey.

Wherever you are on the path today, look for the beauty in it. From beginning to end, God makes it lovely.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 -- "He has made everything beautiful in its time."

Blessings and peace,

September 20, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, my mind was wandering... just in a aimless direction as I was mesmerized by the waves lapping on the beach.

I thought of our minds... how they are similar to a computer in that your brain stores every thought you've ever had. That's encouraging when you're trying to find your car keys, but it is not such a good thing when you consider the amount of smut, foul language, ungodly concepts and other negative input with which we are inundated every day. Nevertheless, simply because a destructive thought is stored in your mental computer does not mean we have to pull it up and run it on the main screen of our minds. The more we dwell on the enemy's lies, the more garbage we willingly allow him to dump into our minds.

What are you allowing your mind to dwell on? Are you constantly contemplating negative things? How you view life makes all the difference in the world -- especially for you. Think His thoughts and your life will be changed!

Proverbs 23:7 -- "For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Blessings and peace,

September 19, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a tiny crab wandering around -- first in one direction, then another. It seemed he had lost his way in the sand along the beach.

It reminded me of how we are when we stop communicating with the Father... we go this way, then another, losing our way as we wander in the wilderness of life. It made me realize even more than ever that we must stay focused and in communication with Jesus. He is the one who knows the way, who leads us and directs our every step.

Our continual focus should be seeking our Father and His will for our life. Such a mind-set will protect us from scattering our energy to the winds of life. We have a free will and daily we can make the choice to follow Him... or follow the way of the world.

What will your choice be today? Will you make Jesus your focal point -- and find the way to please Him, to listen for His voice daily? It is your choice -- make the right choice and avoid the wilderness of life!

Matt 6:33 -- "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Blessings and peace,

Sept 17, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched the tiny sandpiper struggle with a fish he had captured. He lost it few times but then picked it up and overcame at last!

Hopefully you're trusting in God for your struggles today. One wonderful way to strengthen your confidence in Him is to consider the people who have served God before you.

Whether your parents and grandparents knew God or not, you have a heritage of faith to encourage you. Throughout the Bible are histories that will fill you with awe at the power and faithfulness of God. Yet you will also observe what others have trusted God for -- things beyond human imagination and how they were rewarded.

Today, remember that you are not alone in your struggles. You have the God of the universe that loves you and is there ready to bring the victory to you! Turn your battles over to Him and watch what He does.

Psalm 61: 2-3 -- "From the end of the earth, I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge."

Blessings and peace,

September 15, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I felt the excitement of a new season. The air is different, the sky is bluer, the ocean is cooler. The excitement seemed to be greater than normal. It is the realization that truly every day is made new -- filled with fresh promises from our Father. Just as we are made new creatures in Him.

Some people like to remind us that "we're just a poor old sinner,' but we are sons and daughters of the Most High God. When we came to God, He washed away our sins (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). He made us new creatures. The Bible says, "The old things passed away; behold, new things have come" (2 Corinthians 5:17). He made us the righteousness of God.

Instead of having a poor-old-me mentality, expecting a crumb here and a crumb there, why don't you step up to the dinner table? God has a beautiful banquet in store for you. He has an abundant life for you. You have royal blood flowing through your veins. Your heavenly Father created the whole universe with you in mind.

Isaiah 25:6 -- "On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine -- the best of meats and the finest of wines."

Blessings and peace,

September 14, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the pelicans were having a wonderful time being fed from the ocean as they dove time after time to capture their food. All their needs were met by the God in heaven!

Is there a need inside you that just can't be satisfied? It can't be filled by food, possessions, or entertainment -- you've tried it all and it's all failed.

It may be that the part that's calling out to be fed is your soul. There is within each person an appetite for God that can only be satisfied in His presence. Whether in prayer, worship, Bible study or service, your soul must be nourished by God.

Perhaps you don't really believe this, so here's a challenge for you. The next time you feel that longing, allow your soul to be filled by God. Undoubtedly, you will find that He was what your spirit was seeking all the time.

Psalm 63:5 -- "My soul will feast and be satisfied, and I will sing glad songs of praise to you."

Blessings and peace,

September 13, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I helped a little fish find his way back into the water. He was gasping for air and was once again filled with life as he escaped the dry beach that had overtaken him. He had gotten out of the safety zone of the water.

Psalm 81 was written in celebration of Israel's miraculous deliverance from Egypt. It is a reminder that God's powerful provision is always available for His people -- but we must obey Him to see His hand touch our situation.

You may be tempted to disregard God and handle your serious situation on your own. Just remember that whenever the people of Israel did that, they got into progressively worse trouble. It was only when they trusted God that they entered the Promised Land.

What needs do you have today? Don't handle them on your own. God will help you and provide for you if you will humble yourself and admit that you need Him. He has exactly what you need.

Psalm 81:10 -- "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."

Blessings and peace,

September 12, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched the schools of fish jumping out of the water in abundance! I had seen one or two at a time jump, but this day they were jumping on every wave and the pelicans were having a feast!

We have that same abundance available to us... it is from our Father in heaven. He was decreeing and declaring that even in a time when the world seems to be moving in "lack," His children can live and move in abundance. This was being made so clear to me, it could not be denied!

We are His children and He is not going to withhold any good thing from us. We can focus on what the world, the voice of the media and those who are in fear are saying, or we can focus and what our Father in Heaven is saying today! He is El Shaddai... He is more than enough! He made the fish and is using them to feed those who are hungry! And He has made more than enough!

Today, as you walk your seashore of life, go to your Father in Heaven, tell Him your needs and then stand in faith that He will do what He says He will do -- meet your needs -- even more than you can ask or think!

Philippians 4:19 -- "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Blessings and peace,

September 11, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I felt such a desire to pray my heart's desires to Him. I truly felt Him tugging at my heart to speak out to Him.

Why must you pray? If God already knows all your needs and heart's desires, why is it necessary to ask Him to fill them?

Friend, God wants you to ask for His help because it opens the lines of communication. He wants to have a relationship with you. If He were to satisfy your needs without you ever asking, you'd never remember to interact with Him. Yet when you pray to Him, you open yourself to His love and provision.

So -- pray and do it often. Get to know the Lord God and let Him into your life. He'll not only be your Provider, He'll be your Counselor, Confidant, King, and friend.

Psalm 86:2 -- "Protect me and save me because you are my God. I am your faithful servant, and I trust you."

Blessings and peace,

September 10, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, a little sand piper seemed to follow me along the shore line... he was such a blessing added to my morning. He didn't know how he had blessed me, but I knew.

It's interesting that people who genuinely follow God often don't know what a blessing they are to others. They've been taught to be humble -- to hold God as their standard instead of others -- so they're modest about their graces and abilities.

Friend, if you've been seeking God obediently, He's been shining through you. His unique qualities of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and faithfulness have encouraged others and inspired them to seek God.

The humility you experience isn't about feeling worthless; it's about attributing the glory in you to God. So if you're feeling down about yourself -- stop it. You just can't see what others can. God is working through you, and that's truly praiseworthy.

Psalm 87:3 -- "Wonderful things are said about you."

Blessings and peace,

September 9, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I found a tiny seashell that had a piece missing. It was as though the shell had not been completed in its formation. I thought of how things in our life don't always get completed.

But friend, God has not failed you. Though every human indicator may suggest that God is absent from your situation, the reality is far from it. The problem is that the full panorama has yet to be seen -- your complete situation still hasn't been unveiled.

Why has God allowed trials to come into your life? It's not because He is letting you down. Rather, He's teaching you that He makes all your circumstances work together for your good -- even the waiting.

So don't fret. Hang on to Him as tightly as you can and trust that He's working out something important. Because when you see what He sees, you're going to love the big picture.

Psalm 90:4 -- "To you, a thousand years is like the passing of a day, or like a few hours in the night."

Blessings and peace,

September 8, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I picked up a tiny turtle and sat him on a rock and felt the outer shell. The shell was his armor and protection from the enemy around him.

If you were a soldier, you wouldn't leave home without suiting up for war. You'd be sure you had your orders and all the equipment you needed to successfully engage the battles ahead.

Though you may not be a conventional warrior, you've got conflicts to face throughout the day -- struggles you're not quite sure how to handle. You'll also have unforeseen skirmishes with others, and you'll wrestle with strategic situations that will require ingenuity, strength, and wisdom.

That's why you should always start your day with God and commit all its troubles to His hands. Remember that all your battles belong to Him. As your Commander, He'll always lead you safely to triumph.

Psalm 88:13 -- "To you I cry, O Lord; and in the morning shall my prayer come to meet you."

Blessings and peace,

September 7, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a beautiful sunrise bring the day into existence. What a sight -- and it is the gift we have every day from our Creator! How could you not believe in God when you witness the masterpiece of art in the morning sunrise!

When you believe in God, your life is a psalm -- one that will be read throughout eternity. It will record your downbeats of doubt as you cry out to God with your troubles. And it will chronicle your chords of exultation as He helps you and gives you the desires of your heart.

The theme of your life will be God's faithfulness to you, for when all your days have been documented, you will undoubtedly report that He never failed you.

Your life is a song of praise to God that's being written through your circumstances. This day, find peace in the knowledge that He's making your life into a beautifully intricate work of art.

Psalm 89:15 -- "Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord."

Blessings and peace,

September 6, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a young woman walking her dog... a tiny little poodle. When the dog became tired, she picked him up and carried him for the rest of the walk. It reminded me of how Jesus carries us when we become so tired with the challenges of this life.

Have you gotten to the point that you feel you can't continue, just as the puppy did? Sometimes this is because of legitimately strenuous tasks. But more often than not, it happens when we handle our responsibilities in our own strength.

We keep working and pushing -- feeling if we fail, everything will fall apart. We trust ourself for success rather than God -- and it wears us out.

My friend, you need to rest on this labor day holiday and trust that God will reenergize and inspire you. He will show you how to live and complete all you have to do in His strength. So today, take a break and let Him restore you. He will fill you with His wisdom and empower you for all your tasks.

Psalm 62:5 -- "I find rest in God; only He gives me hope."

Blessings and peace,

September 5, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the beach had become calm again after the stormy weather had passed.

That is the way life is at times. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we cannot understand the storm that is happening to us. The more details we discover, the more confused we become. None of the information we receive fits together, and it feels as if our mind just can't wrap itself around the situation.

Yet there is One who is great enough to make sense of our circumstances -- and wise enough to know what we should do.

When we worship God, focusing on His almighty power and trembling in awe of His wisdom, we realize that there is nothing to big for Him to handle. We find peace by focusing on Him and surrendering the situation to His care.

Psalm 2:11 -- "Worship God in adoring embrace, celebrate in trembling awe."

Blessings and peace,

September 4, 2010

As I walked the seashore with Jesus today, I thought of the purpose God has for each of his creatures in the ocean. I then thought about the purpose he has for each one of us. Do you ever think "What is my purpose in life?"

I have often thought about the purpose God has given me. Am I fulfilling that purpose? Am I making a meaningful difference in the world?

God has a purpose for each of us, and it is to do right and glorify God.

Are you pursuing your purpose? Do you get up each day and put God first? There are many other things we may be tempted to chase after -- a better job, relationships, money, material possessions, and so on. But too often when you attain these things your life is just as empty and unfulfilled as when you started.

God knows what you have need of and is well aware of your heart's desires. He will grant them if you will just pursue your purpose by seeking Him first.

Matthew 6:33 -- "But seek first of all His kingdom and His righteousness, and then all these things taken together will be given you besides."

Blessings and peace,

September 3, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I seemed to want to hurry and get the walk over... the Lord reminded me I was there to walk with Him and to slow down and enjoy His presence.

It seemed to be one of those days after a restless night... the clock ticked loudly, the bed wasn't as comfortable... the tossing and turning lasted all night. Eventually I realized that what was really making me restless were my maddening thoughts.

When we turn our mind on and we can't stop what's rushing through it -- worry after worry buzzes by. We try to think of something else, but the anxieties come back even louder than ever.

When we are restless and sleepless, we need to turn our thoughts to God and think of all He has done for us. Pray to Him and leave your concerns at His feet. Make your wakefulness into a worshipful time with Him... slow your walk in life down and hear what He says. He will surely calm your soul and lead you into true rest!

Psalm 63:6 -- "I remember you while I'm lying in bed; I think about you through the night."

Blessings and peace,

September 2, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched the pelicans flying in a formation... freely taking turns to be the leader, with each one moving to the front until he was tired, then the next one took over the leadership position. No competition in the ranks there.

In our world today, it seems it is all about getting ahead. You have to prove yourself to be the best -- through intellect, beauty, wealth or skills. People today just seem to compete and seek prominence at whatever they consider their strength.

But you don't have to put yourself through such a useless and destructive exercise. God loves you just the way your are. He's given you unique talents that He's going to work through, so you don't have to contend against other people -- you can work with them.

So today, my friend, don't compete. When God is working through you, you're already the best you can be. You are already a winner, so be gracious and act like it.

Psalm 64:9 -- "Then everyone will stand in awe, proclaiming the mighty acts of God, realizing all the amazing things He does."

Blessings and peace,

September 1, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the beach seemed totally deserted... a sure sign that the fall season has come and everyone has returned home after a busy, busy summer.

Wow -- we are in the harvest season of the year, the time of year the farmers can start gathering in the crops. I am reminded that it takes patience for the farmer to plant a crop and then have the faith to wait and see it come in.

It makes me think of how we pray our prayers and want instant answers. But it is like the crops that farmers plant -- they have to wait to mature in the right time. Many of us assume our prayers will produce results instantly, but God doesn't operate that way. Rather, He gives His best blessings time to mature -- to become satisfying to our souls. He then prepares us to receive them with the right attitude and in the right time.

My friend, God's timing is perfect, so keep praying and like the farmer -- be patient. Your harvest of blessing will surely bloom when the time is right. Expect a harvest in this season.

Psalm 67:6 -- "Then the earth will yield its harvests, and God, our God, will richly bless us."

Blessings and peace,